Important Information

Check your start time on-line (dashboard) and make sure you follow the procedure outlined below.

Organise your mandatory gear prior event day and be prepared for anything on the day.

Be prepared for anything. This is a self-sufficient event, so make sure you carry all the gear you need to be comfortable and safe on this hike. Sunrise: 06:16am and Sunset: 19:07pm.

All participants medical information and emergency contacts must be up-to-date on-line and on back of your bib number.

Download the Sydney Harbour Hike Google Map and follow the signs and markers along the way.

Plan event with your crew. Where to meet? What time to meet? What do the crew carry for you? Remember limited parking at the checkpoints.

Carry at least a 300ml hand-held bottle or a hydration pack to refill along the way. There are public water fountains almost every 3-4 km along the route, make sure you re-hydrate regularly!

Safety and Emergency

  • As a runner, please look out for slower hikers and other pedestrians. Remember WALK LEFT, OVERTAKE RIGHT! Make your intention clear to others before you overtake.
  • Follow all instructions of marshals and volunteers
  • Hydrate, eat and be prepared for all weather conditions
  • Be Road Safe! Keep your eyes and ears peeled for vehicles
  • Avoid listening to music, leave your head-phones at home
  • Follow all the emergency instructions


You will find First Aid at the Check Point and the Finish Area. For minor issues please come to the First Aid area. 

If you need help along the course:

  1. Call or text the Event Organiser on 0436 453 308 for 1st Aid, who will arrange help.
  2. Check in with your crew if applicable.  
  3. If in doubt of severity call 000.
  4. If you do leave the event, you must advise Event Organiser immediately on 0436 453 308. 


  1. Call 000 Emergency
  2. Tell them you are part of Sydney Harbour Hike Event
  3. Follow instructions 
  4. Call Event Organiser on the 0436 453 308 when you can and advise what has happened
  5. Avoid talking to media or outsiders
  6. We recommend you download the ‘Emergency Plus’ App. The app can help you provide exact location to emergency services.


Should an emergency arise, and you are required to leave the course, you will receive an SMS alert from the event organiser or be directed by route marshals. 

In the event of an unexpected electrical storm, you will need to try and find shelter immediately. Keep away from lone trees or rocks.

  • Avoid Metal Items: Set aside any metal items such as hiking poles, pack frames 
  • Avoid Water: Ocean, lakes, heavily soaked ground 
  • 30/30 Rule: Count to 30 between first spot lightning and thunder. If it is less than 30 seconds, take shelter immediately (vehicle or solid building) but avoid small open structures and single trees.

Mandatory and Recommended Gear


  • Bibs: Event bibs worn on front. Make sure you fill-in back with your Emergency Phone details before the start!
  • Water: Minimum 300ml water carrying capacity – small bottle or CamelBak bladder. And have some snacks with you too! 
  • First Aid: Basic kit (blister pads, band aids, sun lotion, hand sanitizer, mask)
  • Mobile Phone: Fully charged! Save the event organiser number in your phone. Download the Event Map App.


  • Hi-Viz Vest with reflecgive strips. For your own safety, wear in the dark and on roadways.
  • Sunglasses and a cap
  • Rain jacket, sweater (weather depending) 
  • Small torch for early morning and late evening
  • Spare clothes (fresh t-shirt) for finish line
  • Cash or card for those refreshments along the way and the bus ticket home
  • Spare Battery / Power Bank to re-charge mobile phone

At the start

Between 07:00am and 08:00am - this is an Arrive and Go event. No mass start, no lingering.

Bondi, Bondi Park Playground, Queen Elizabeth Dr next to Bondi Surf Bathers'Life Saving Club

View Map

ALL bibs will have to be collected at the start!

Make sure you give yourself at least 30 minutes to collect your bib at the registration / check-in desk! 


There will be NO BAG DROP available at the starts of Sydney Harbour Hike. You need to be self-sufficient and carry everything you may need during the day with you (including a change of clothes at finish line) or organise your support crew to meeting you along the route or at the finish line.

If you have crew supporting you, make sure they know where to meet up with you along the route. 

Late registration is possible on event day. Come to designated Registration Desk to pay your entry fee off $100 and collect your bib prior starting the hike! 

On the route

There are different markings for Sydney Harbour Hike.

You will find the following markings along the route:

a) Official Bondi to Many Walk Markers (on pavement, buildings, fences, poles)
b) Special Sydney Harbour Hike Signs:
Orange Tape: (at difficult intersection, in woods or bush areas)
Triangle Markers / Arrows: (to show you the right direction to continue)
c) Event Volunteers and Road Marshalls along the route (please follow their direction, they volunteer to look after your saftey)

Rules to follow

  • Slow walkers = Go Left / Fast Runners = Pass Right. 
  • Be mindful of other ‘non-event’ walkers too. 
  • Never run across roads or intersections and follow instructions of Marshals.
  • Support Crew can meet you anywhere along the route. Make sure you stay within 200m of course and only stop where it is SAFE to do so.
  • To make your time count (and for us to know where you are) make sure you CROSS TIMING STRIPE at Start, Checkpoint and Finish Line.
  • We rely on the integrity of each participant to complete the whole route and keep on the marked course on the day. If in doubt check the app or ask a volunteer or fellow participant.

Checkpoint and Finish Cut-Off Times

  • The checkpoint at Rose Bay will be operational between 08:00am and 14:30pm
  • You will find first aid, water and minimal snacks at the checkpoint.
  • Make sure you pass over the timing mat to make your time count!
  • Public toilets are available near-by the checkpoint, and you find many more along the route.
  • Public parking is close-by to the checkpoint but can be limited.


Rosebay, Lyne Park (next to Seaplane Terminal) - Cut-off 14:30 (2:30pm) View in Google Maps

Additional recommended Rest Stops:


  • Finish Area at Broughton Street Lookout, Kirribilli will be operational between 09:00am and 19:00pm - View in Google Maps
  • You will find first aid, water, minimal snacks as well as food vans at finish
  • Make sure you collect your medal and visit The Fred Hollows Foundation marquee
  • You will find opportunities to stretch your legs and relax, enjoing the great view over the harbour 
  • Toilet facilities are available at the finish area.

Other questions

Can I withdraw from the event?

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To ensure the safety of everyone, it is recommended that you walk if possible, with a friend or work colleague. You can look after each other and it's more fun too!

Should you have to withdraw from the event, you MUST let the organiser know by calling or sending an SMS (with name and bib number) to the designated mobile phone number before going home!

This will help us to know who is still out on the course and who has finished the event. Your safety is our main priority and we would like to avoid starting a search party for you, or having to call you in the middle of the night to check where you are.

Will there be any Awards, Results, or Certificates?

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All participants who successfully complete the event will be able to collect their medal at the finish! A digital Certificate will be sent to everyone the week after the event. Official results will be available at finish line on the Timing Wizard website. Look out for QR code to link to URL for your results

I need some help reaching my fundraising goal

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  1. Send an email to your friends and family asking them to support your Walk To Restore Sight.
  2. Remind them that just $25 can help restore sight to a needlessly blind person
  3. Share your Fundraising Page on Facebook and invite friends to donate a
  4. Check out our range of posters and other tools to help with your fundraising
  5. Talk to your employer about matching the amount you raised or making a company donation to help you reach your goal.